Mental Health: Are You Okay Today?
The beauty is in the eyes of women who love themselves.
Breathe For the Love of Humanity
Did you know that the constant negative thoughts inside your head keep you from reaching your full potential? Are you feeling sluggish? Maybe downright tired? I'm pretty sure everyone does these days. And the thing is everyone is suffering from some form of mental disturbance. Whether it's social anxiety, depression, or even schizophrenia, there are so many people suffering each and every day.
But everyone is so concerned about looking "perfect," or should I say picture perfect that is. With social media a constant distraction and mental burden for some people, no one is taking care of themselves mentally. And their relationships are struggling because of this. Do you feel close to your partner? Or your friends? Or does it feel like you're all alone and no one sees you except through a picture on their phone?
I know I had to let go of social media. I'm even hesitant to start writing on this platform, but I think it's important that we all recognize that we are in a crisis. A mental health crisis. One that needs major attention to help each other keep moving forward. Being able to stop the negative talk we all experience is the fastest way to improve your mental well-being.
Break Free From Negative Thinking
One way to "break" free from your negative thinking isn't really all that easy, I won't lie to you and tell you it's a cakewalk because it's really not. You have to, first of all, say a prayer when you first wake up in the morning. Thank God for waking you up, and ask for guidance, and positive thoughts throughout the day. You can't go wrong by praying first thing in the morning. It will set the mood for the rest of your day.
The next thing you need to do is to learn to recognize when you start to be negative. If you pay attention to what you are thinking about, you will likely catch yourself starting to talk down to yourself or just be negative in general. When this happens stop yourself from finishing the negative thought.
And once you catch yourself in the middle of that negative thought, say the exact opposite of what you were going to say. And then add something positive about yourself right afterward. It really does work. It just takes practice.