Babies in Wigs, For Your Mental Health
Via TikTok: @Jesssoweird
We love you, Shelanda!!!
Babies in Wigs, For Your Mental Health
We Love Shelanda!
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to social media and the weird corner of the algorithm I’ve carved out for myself, I’m proud of my ability to subliminally curate a feed that doesn’t stress me the hell out.
My entire feed is babies, puppies, and food. Sometimes I get the occasional Dua Lipa twerking video, but otherwise, it’s G-rated and the perfect way to distract myself.
It’s also worth mentioning that as a woman who has officially entered her late twenties, I have a visceral, borderline PAINFUL yearning to start having children. I see a baby and it’s all I can think about. I love babies, I love everything they do, I love mothers, I love the whole deal. I’m certifiably obsessed.
Instagram understands this about me and has given me the greatest content gift I’ve ever received, which is simultaneously a huge detriment to my ability to focus and get my daydreaming Pisces head out of my ass. The gift, problem, however you wanna identify her, is Shelanda. She’s a baby who wears wigs. Her mom, who goes by the handle @Jesssoweird on Instagram, put a wig on her baby Shelanda one day, and the rest is history. I’m not telling you that you should care about this, I’m telling you that you have to.
Shelanda is around 1 years old and she has the most glowing and gorgeous personality in the universe. If I have a daughter someday, I hope she’s something like Shelanda. Shelanda sits in front of her mom’s bathroom mirror and watches as her mom installs the wackiest wigs you’ve ever seen, and then basically we all giggle. You may be thinking “Who cares?” I’ll tell you who: me.
I’m not sure I’ve ever watched a video more times than the one of Shelanda wearing a Thomas Jefferson wig. There’s something about a tiny baby president that takes all my pain away. I recall moments in my upbringing when my mother would take my grandmother’s wigs and put them on my brother, sister, and me. We would run around parties wearing the wigs and our family members would laugh until wine came shooting out of their noses. I guess it’s because babies don’t have a lot of hair and the idea of them having mature hair is funny? I literally can’t even begin to dissect the psychology behind why this has become such a phenomenon, but don’t let me lead you astray. Millions of people agree with me, and they even write letters to Jess and Shelanda thanking them for the hours of joy they’ve provided the world. Call me crazy, but that’s what social media SHOULD BE ABOUT. Let me escape, for god’s sake! Show me more babies with WIGS!!!
Besides, maybe if we all spent more time watching baby content and not weird political deepfakes, we’d all be happier and argue a little less. Consider checking out @jesssoweird before you log into Reddit to start an election-season meltdown.