Beauty Brands Are Encouraging Consumers To Take A Stance Against Climate Change
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Over 100 beauty brands spanning from hair, makeup, skincare and more are taking action to advocate for solutions to the growing climate crisis. Back in September, Versed skincare’s founding president Melanie Bender led CodeRed4Climate, a campaign created to make a statement on how consumers can take action against climate change. Participating brands like Youth To The People, Black Girl Sunscreen, Boxy Charm changed their profile pictures to blank red images, (some) paused their e-commerce efforts and signed a letter to congress asking leaders to “hear the code red for humanity” and encourage them to take action against the climate crises.
"Our nation can no longer avoid some of the devastating impacts of climate change," the letter reads. "But there is a narrow window to prevent the consequences from getting far worse, depending on the actions we take."
In addition to taking brand-wide stances, the participating beauty companies made a call-to-action for their consumers, encouraging people to contact their elected officials and urge them to support “critical climate solutions”. Four ways the brands believe local representatives can contribute are by implementing a clean electricity payment program that cuts emissions and modernizes our grid, directing 40% of funding to frontline communities, ending subsidies for fossil fuel corporations, and a civilian Climate Corps that puts people to work.
Although the campaign launched in September, you can still make a difference in your community. For more on the #CodeRed4Climate initiative and how to get involved, and to view the full list of beauty brands who have signed on, visit